So today I hit the thrift store up again, and got Shmo-lissa an awesome quilt of cuteness. I don't know what I like more, finding an awesome deal for me, or finding one for someone else. I think it's better to get something for a friend, because then you get the thrill of finding a great deal (for all of you losers like me that get a thrill out of that....) and then they get the fun of a nifty gifty. Hurrah!
Why do the mosquitos decide that I'm fair game whenever I try to mow the lawn? I think they might see me, and hear the mower, and then they think I'm one giant fat mosquito that they feel the need to be with. Not right. Not at all.
I thought I had a lot of thoughts to share and b's to log, but I'm tapped.
More next time, I promise.
I love it when you log your b's!