Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Shame On Me.

I have neglected my bloggy friends. I'm so sorry.
So here's what's new....
Un-craft related, Tim and I had a great 6th Anniversary on Sunday, and Monday we drove up to Estes Park and it was SO BEAUTIFUL. 

On a craftier note, I was trying to get into the Horseshoe Craft and Flea Market, but unless I can provide an entire booth of non-jewelryness, I'm not in.  :-(  That's okay, I could try to do a whole bunch of new stuff by the deadline, but it's only a couple weeks away, and I am just not up to the challenge.  Instead, I plan to focus my energy on finding and attempting new crafts for Christmas!  I know I'm not the only one out there that is already thinking about this holiday (Melissa, I'm theatrically winking your way...) but I may be the only one that has already bought numerous gifts. Sorry people, I LOVE to shop. Love. My poor hubs can attest to my unhealthy obsession with sales. (OH YES, I am already thinking about Black Friday!)
So.   In an attempt to be more like I was last year (broke) I am trying to make a lot of gifts, and luckily I am starting on it sooner than November this year, so I have hopes of making things while not stressing.
Oh yes, and I found just about the cutest cookie cutters whilst roaming the isles at Ross, so I think I might try my hand at cookie decorating.  I figure even if they look horrible, I'll still eat 'em. :-9

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